Monday, 21 November 2011

November White Water Weekend

Day 1 

The trip started off with me arriving at Matt's house at 7am on a chilly Saturday morning and then it was off on a long drive to the River Dee to meet the group. After getting changed we all headed down to the water for a day of skills practice. Firstly we work on ferry gliding and breaking in and out on a nice little rapid. Then it was time to head down the Mile End Mile section putting the skill the group had learned into practice, followed by a quick play on the wave at the bottom of the course, then a much earned lunch. The second half of the day consisted of fine tuning the skills and learning how to play on the waves. 

Day 2 

Started with a great cooked breakfast and then it was of to start the day off paddling up the canal to horse shoe weir with the group really excited about the day ahead of paddling. Everyone in the group stepped up for their first ever run down Serpents Tail (See video below). It was really great to see all the group up for the challenge. After several runs down the tail it was time to head back down to mile end mill for a recap on what they have learnt during the course of the trip. 

I would like to say thank you to the group for all your effort during the weekend and i hope you enjoyed it.

Photos will be up in the next few days!   

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